module-2 Let's starting coding with p5


  • Basic DataType and Variables
  • Start Coding
  • Transformations

Basic DataType

  • Numbers

    • int: Represents an integer, which is a whole number.

          var integerExample = 15; // an integer 
          var int = 15; // an integer
    • float: Represents a floating-point number, which includes numbers with a decimal point.

          var floatExample = 0.323; // a floating-point number 
          var float = 0.123 // a floating-point number
  • Text

    • string: Represents a sequence of characters used to store text.
          var text = "Hello, world!"; // a string i.e., a sequence of characters
  • Variables
    Variables are used for storing values. In JavaScript, var, let, and const are used for variable declaration.

  • var: Function-scoped.
    A variable declared with var is defined throughout the function in which it is declared.

        function exampleFunction() {
        var functionScoped = "I am function scoped";
        console.log(functionScoped); // Output: I am function scoped
  • let and const:
    Block-scoped. Variables declared with let or const are only accessible within the block (enclosed by {}) in which they are declared.

        function exampleFunction() {
            if (true) {
                let blockScoped = "I am block scoped";
                const alsoBlockScoped = "I am also block scoped";
                console.log(blockScoped); // Output: I am block scoped
                console.log(alsoBlockScoped); // Output: I am also block scoped
            // blockScoped and alsoBlockScoped are not accessible here
            console.log(blockScoped); // Error: blockScoped is not defined
            console.log(alsoBlockScoped); // Error: alsoBlockScoped is not defined

Start Coding

  • Understanding how js code works:

    • Simple Explanation
      • Read the Code: JavaScript reads your p5.js code from top to bottom.
      • Setup Function: Runs once at the beginning to set up the initial environment.
      • Draw Function: Runs repeatedly (typically 60 times per second) to create animations or updates.
    • Example

      function setup() {
      createCanvas(400, 400); // Sets up a canvas of 400x400 pixels
      function draw() {
      background(220); // Clears the canvas with a grey background
      ellipse(200, 200, 50, 50); // Draws a circle at (200, 200) with a diameter of 50
    • Execution Steps

      1. Start:
        • JavaScript reads the entire script.
        • Recognizes setup and draw functions.
      2. Run setup:
        • Executes everything inside the setup function.
        • createCanvas(400, 400); creates a canvas of 400x400 pixels.
      3. Run draw repeatedly:
        • Executes everything inside the draw function over and over.
        • background(220); clears the canvas to a grey color.
        • ellipse(200, 200, 50, 50); draws a circle in the middle of the canvas.
  • Canvas

    • Coding on p5.js feels like drawing on the canvas via code
    • You are drawing on this coordinate system p5.js editor
  • Shapes