

We have learned a lot basic information about the p5.js, what about let's have a pratical task to make a solid understanding of it!


  • Draw a round face in a 500x500 canvas.
  • The face should include eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
  • The eyes should look in the direction of the mouse.
  • When we click the face, the eyes should toggle between open and closed.
  • If we press the space key, the mouth should open or close.

Before you see the solution, Let's do it on the online editor ourselves!


Let's Get Started:

  • Create Canvas:

    • We can use the createCanvas() function inside the setup() function to create a 500x500 canvas
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500); 
      function draw(){
          // nothing here yet
  • Draw the Face

    • We can use the ellipse() function to draw a round face. Let's set the fill color to yellow.
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500);
      function draw() {
          background(220); // Light gray background
          fill(255, 204, 0); // Yellow fill
          ellipse(250, 250, 400, 400); // Draw the face
  • Draw the Eyes

    • We can add two eyes using the ellipse() function. Position them relative to the face center.
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500);
      function draw() {
          fill(255, 204, 0);
          ellipse(250, 250, 400, 400); // Draw the face
          fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
          ellipse(180, 200, 50, 50); // Left eye
          ellipse(320, 200, 50, 50); // Right eye
  • Draw the Nose and Mouth

    • Add a nose using the triangle() function and a mouth using the arc() function.
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500);
      function draw() {
          fill(255, 204, 0);
          ellipse(250, 250, 400, 400); // Draw the face
          fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
          ellipse(180, 200, 50, 50); // Left eye
          ellipse(320, 200, 50, 50); // Right eye
          fill(255, 153, 51); // Orange fill for the nose
          triangle(250, 220, 230, 280, 270, 280); // Draw the nose
          fill(255, 51, 51); // Red fill for the mouth
          arc(250, 320, 100, 50, 0, PI); // Draw the mouth
  • Make the Eyes Look at the Mouse

    • Use mouseX and mouseY to make the eyes look in the direction of the mouse.
      //put the variable outside function is a global variable
      let eyeSize = 50;
      let eyeOffsetX = 70;
      let eyeOffsetY = 50;
      //put the variable outside function is a global variable
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500);
      function draw() {
          fill(255, 204, 0);
          ellipse(250, 250, 400, 400); // Draw the face
          fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
          ellipse(250 - eyeOffsetX, 200, eyeSize, eyeSize); // Left eye
          ellipse(250 + eyeOffsetX, 200, eyeSize, eyeSize); // Right eye
          fill(255, 153, 51); // Orange fill for the nose
          triangle(250, 220, 230, 280, 270, 280); // Draw the nose
          fill(255, 51, 51); // Red fill for the mouth
          arc(250, 320, 100, 50, 0, PI); // Draw the mouth
          // Draw pupils based on mouse position
          fill(0); // Black fill for the pupils
          let pupilOffsetX = (mouseX - 250) / 20;
          let pupilOffsetY = (mouseY - 200) / 20;
          ellipse(250 - eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, 200 + pupilOffsetY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2); // Left pupil
          ellipse(250 + eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, 200 + pupilOffsetY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2); // Right pupil
  • Toggle Eyes Open/Closed on Click

    • Use the mousePressed() function to toggle the eyes between open and closed.
      let eyeSize = 50;
      let eyeOffsetX = 70;
      let eyeOffsetY = 50;
      // add a global condition to detect if the eye is open or closed
      let isEyesClosed = false;
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500);
      function draw() {
          fill(255, 204, 0);
          ellipse(250, 250, 400, 400); // Draw the face
          fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
          if (isEyesClosed) {
              rect(250 - eyeOffsetX - eyeSize / 2, 200 - 5, eyeSize, 10); // Left closed eye
              rect(250 + eyeOffsetX - eyeSize / 2, 200 - 5, eyeSize, 10); // Right closed eye
          } else {
              ellipse(250 - eyeOffsetX, 200, eyeSize, eyeSize); // Left eye
              ellipse(250 + eyeOffsetX, 200, eyeSize, eyeSize); // Right eye
              fill(0); // Black fill for the pupils
              let pupilOffsetX = (mouseX - 250) / 20;
              let pupilOffsetY = (mouseY - 200) / 20;
              ellipse(250 - eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, 200 + pupilOffsetY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2); // Left pupil
              ellipse(250 + eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, 200 + pupilOffsetY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2); // Right pupil
          fill(255, 153, 51); // Orange fill for the nose
          triangle(250, 220, 230, 280, 270, 280); // Draw the nose
          fill(255, 51, 51); // Red fill for the mouth
          arc(250, 320, 100, 50, 0, PI); // Draw the mouth
      function mousePressed() {
          let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 250, 250);
          if (d < 200) {
              isEyesClosed = !isEyesClosed; // Toggle eye state
  • Toggle Mouth Open/Closed on Space Key

    • Use the keyPressed() function to toggle the mouth between open and closed when the space key is pressed.
      let eyeSize = 50;
      let eyeOffsetX = 70;
      let eyeOffsetY = 50;
      let isEyesClosed = false;
      // add a condition to determine whether the mouth is open or closed
      let isMouthOpen = false;
      function setup() {
          createCanvas(500, 500);
      function draw() {
          fill(255, 204, 0);
          ellipse(250, 250, 400, 400); // Draw the face
          fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
          if (isEyesClosed) {
              rect(250 - eyeOffsetX - eyeSize / 2, 200 - 5, eyeSize, 10); // Left closed eye
              rect(250 + eyeOffsetX - eyeSize / 2, 200 - 5, eyeSize, 10); // Right closed eye
          } else {
              ellipse(250 - eyeOffsetX, 200, eyeSize, eyeSize); // Left eye
              ellipse(250 + eyeOffsetX, 200, eyeSize, eyeSize); // Right eye
              fill(0); // Black fill for the pupils
              let pupilOffsetX = (mouseX - 250) / 20;
              let pupilOffsetY = (mouseY - 200) / 20;
              ellipse(250 - eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, 200 + pupilOffsetY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2); // Left pupil
              ellipse(250 + eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, 200 + pupilOffsetY, eyeSize / 2, eyeSize / 2); // Right pupil
          fill(255, 153, 51); // Orange fill for the nose
          triangle(250, 220, 230, 280, 270, 280); // Draw the nose
          fill(255, 51, 51); // Red fill for the mouth
          if (isMouthOpen) {
              arc(250, 320, 100, 50, 0, PI); // Open mouth
          } else {
              rect(200, 320, 100, 10); // Closed mouth
      function mousePressed() {
          let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, 250, 250);
          if (d < 200) {
              isEyesClosed = !isEyesClosed; // Toggle eye state
      function keyPressed() {
          if (key === ' ') {
              isMouthOpen = !isMouthOpen; // Toggle mouth state