

After we Learn the Classes and Objects in the p5.js, what about let's have a pratical task to make a solid understanding of it!


Now that we have learned the basics of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in p5.js, let's put that knowledge into practice! Task:

  • Create a Face class:

    • Define properties such as position (x, y), size (size), and states (isEyesClosed, isMouthOpen).
    • Add a draw method to draw the face, eyes, nose, and mouth with the current states.
    • Add methods to toggle the eyes and mouth states (toggleEyes, toggleMouth).
    • Add a method to check if the mouse is inside the face (isMouseInside).
  • Use the Face class:

    • Create a 500x500 canvas.
    • Create an array of Face instances arranged in a 3x3 grid.
    • Implement the draw function to draw all the faces.
    • Implement the mousePressed function to toggle the eyes of a face when clicked.
    • Implement the keyPressed function to toggle the mouths of all faces when the space key is pressed.

Before you see the solution, Let's do it on the online editor ourselves!


Let's Get Started:

  • Creating a Class

    A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines the properties and behaviors that the objects created from the class will have.

    • We can use the createCanvas() function inside the setup() function to create a 500x500 canvas
      • class Face { ... }: This defines a new class named Face.
      • constructor(x, y, size) { ... }: The constructor is a special function that is called when a new object is created. It initializes the object's properties.
        class Face {
            constructor(x, y, size) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.size = size;
                this.eyeSize = size * 0.2;
                this.eyeOffsetX = size * 0.35;
                this.eyeOffsetY = size * 0.25;
                this.isEyesClosed = false;
                this.isMouthOpen = false;
  • Add a Method to Draw the Face

    • Drawing the Face

      We define a method inside the class to handle drawing the face. Methods are functions defined inside a class that operate on objects created from the class.

      • draw() { ... }: This defines a method named draw inside the Face class. It will be used to draw the face on the canvas.
      • fill(255, 204, 0); and ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size): These commands set the color and draw the face.
        class Face {
            constructor(x, y, size) {
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.size = size;
                this.eyeSize = size * 0.2;
                this.eyeOffsetX = size * 0.35;
                this.eyeOffsetY = size * 0.25;
                this.isEyesClosed = false;
                this.isMouthOpen = false;
                // Draw face
                fill(255, 204, 0);
                ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size);
  • Add Methods to Draw the Eyes, Nose, and Mouth

    We add the logic to draw the eyes, including their states (open or closed).

    • Drawing the Eyes

      • if (this.isEyesClosed) { ... } else { ... }: This checks if the eyes are closed and draws them accordingly. The this keyword refers to the current object instance.
    • Drawing the Nose and Mouth

      • if (this.isMouthOpen) {...}else{...} used for control the mouse
        class Face {
                constructor(x, y, size) {
                    this.x = x;
                    this.y = y;
                    this.size = size;
                    this.eyeSize = size * 0.2;
                    this.eyeOffsetX = size * 0.35;
                    this.eyeOffsetY = size * 0.25;
                    this.isEyesClosed = false;
                    this.isMouthOpen = false;
                    // Draw face
                    fill(255, 204, 0);
                    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size);
                    // Draw eyes
                    fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
                    if (this.isEyesClosed) {
                    rect(this.x - this.eyeOffsetX - this.eyeSize / 2, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY - 5, this.eyeSize, 10); // Left closed eye
                    rect(this.x + this.eyeOffsetX - this.eyeSize / 2, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY - 5, this.eyeSize, 10); // Right closed eye
                    } else {
                    ellipse(this.x - this.eyeOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY, this.eyeSize, this.eyeSize); // Left eye
                    ellipse(this.x + this.eyeOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY, this.eyeSize, this.eyeSize); // Right eye
                    fill(0); // Black fill for the pupils
                    let pupilOffsetX = (mouseX - this.x) / 20;
                    let pupilOffsetY = (mouseY - this.y) / 20;
                    ellipse(this.x - this.eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY + pupilOffsetY, this.eyeSize / 2, this.eyeSize / 2); // Left pupil
                    ellipse(this.x + this.eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY + pupilOffsetY, this.eyeSize / 2, this.eyeSize / 2); // Right pupil
                    // Draw nose
                    fill(255, 153, 51); // Orange fill for the nose
                    triangle(this.x, this.y - this.size * 0.1, this.x - this.size * 0.05, this.y + this.size * 0.1, this.x + this.size * 0.05, this.y + this.size * 0.1);
                    // Draw mouth
                    fill(255, 51, 51); // Red fill for the mouth
                    if (this.isMouthOpen) {
                        arc(this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.2, this.size * 0.5, this.size * 0.25, 0, PI); // Open mouth
                    } else {
                        rect(this.x - this.size * 0.25, this.y + this.size * 0.2, this.size * 0.5, 10); // Closed mouth
  • Add Methods to Toggle Eye and Mouth States

    • Toggling States
      • toggleEyes() and toggleMouth(): These methods change the state of the eyes and mouth between open and closed.
      • isMouseInside(): This method checks if the mouse is inside the face.
        class Face {
                constructor(x, y, size) {
                    this.x = x;
                    this.y = y;
                    this.size = size;
                    this.eyeSize = size * 0.2;
                    this.eyeOffsetX = size * 0.35;
                    this.eyeOffsetY = size * 0.25;
                    this.isEyesClosed = false;
                    this.isMouthOpen = false;
                //all draw() functions
                toggleEyes() {
                    this.isEyesClosed = !this.isEyesClosed;
                toggleMouth() {
                    this.isMouthOpen = !this.isMouthOpen;
                isMouseInside() {
                    let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y);
                    return d < this.size / 2;
  • Use the Face Class

    • Creating and Drawing Faces

      We create an array of Face instances and draw them on the canvas.

      • let faces = [];: This creates an empty array to store the face objects.
      • for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ... }: This nested loop creates a 3x3 grid of face objects. Drawing Faces
      • We call the draw method of each Face instance in the draw function.

        let faces = [];
        function setup() {
            createCanvas(500, 500);
            let size = 100;
            for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                    faces.push(new Face(150 * i + 100, 150 * j + 100, size));
      • for (let face of faces) { ... }: This loop iterates through each face in the array and calls its draw method. Interacting with Faces

      • We add interactions to toggle the eyes and mouth states using mouse and keyboard events.

        function draw() {
            for (let face of faces) {
      • mousePressed() { ... }: This function checks if the mouse is inside any face and toggles the eyes if true.

      • keyPressed() { ... }: This function toggles the mouth of all faces when the space key is pressed.
        function mousePressed() {
            for (let face of faces) {
                if (face.isMouseInside()) {
        function keyPressed() {
            if (key === ' ') {
                for (let face of faces) {

Complete Code:

    class Face {
        constructor(x, y, size) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.size = size;
            this.eyeSize = size * 0.2;
            this.eyeOffsetX = size * 0.35;
            this.eyeOffsetY = size * 0.25;
            this.isEyesClosed = false;
            this.isMouthOpen = false;

        draw() {
            // Draw face
            fill(255, 204, 0);
            ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.size);

            // Draw eyes
            fill(255); // White fill for the eyes
            if (this.isEyesClosed) {
                rect(this.x - this.eyeOffsetX - this.eyeSize / 2, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY - 5, this.eyeSize, 10); // Left closed eye
                rect(this.x + this.eyeOffsetX - this.eyeSize / 2, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY - 5, this.eyeSize, 10); // Right closed eye
            } else {
                ellipse(this.x - this.eyeOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY, this.eyeSize, this.eyeSize); // Left eye
                ellipse(this.x + this.eyeOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY, this.eyeSize, this.eyeSize); // Right eye
                fill(0); // Black fill for the pupils
                let pupilOffsetX = (mouseX - this.x) / 20;
                let pupilOffsetY = (mouseY - this.y) / 20;
                ellipse(this.x - this.eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY + pupilOffsetY, this.eyeSize / 2, this.eyeSize / 2); // Left pupil
                ellipse(this.x + this.eyeOffsetX + pupilOffsetX, this.y - this.eyeOffsetY + pupilOffsetY, this.eyeSize / 2, this.eyeSize / 2); // Right pupil

            // Draw nose
            fill(255, 153, 51); // Orange fill for the nose
            triangle(this.x, this.y - this.size * 0.1, this.x - this.size * 0.05, this.y + this.size * 0.1, this.x + this.size * 0.05, this.y + this.size * 0.1);

            // Draw mouth
            fill(255, 51, 51); // Red fill for the mouth
            if (this.isMouthOpen) {
                arc(this.x, this.y + this.size * 0.2, this.size * 0.5, this.size * 0.25, 0, PI); // Open mouth
            } else {
                rect(this.x - this.size * 0.25, this.y + this.size * 0.2, this.size * 0.5, 10); // Closed mouth

        toggleEyes() {
            this.isEyesClosed = !this.isEyesClosed;

        toggleMouth() {
            this.isMouthOpen = !this.isMouthOpen;

        isMouseInside() {
            let d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x, this.y);
            return d < this.size / 2;

    let faces = [];

    function setup() {
        createCanvas(500, 500);
        let size = 100;
        for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                faces.push(new Face(150 * i + 100, 150 * j + 100, size));

    function draw() {
        for (let face of faces) {

    function mousePressed() {
        for (let face of faces) {
            if (face.isMouseInside()) {

    function keyPressed() {
        if (key === ' ') {
            for (let face of faces) {